Water for wellbeing in urban centres
Water is critical for keeping our urban centres healthy so Naarm (Melbourne) is a great place to live. Water helps keep these areas attractive and relaxing. It helps maintain the trees and plants that cool these areas during hot summers.
Water for wellbeing in our urban centres:
- Gardens, trees and other vegetation make urban centres more attractive and relaxing.
- This greenery also helps keep our urban area cool through shading, through the plants’ release of water through their leaves, and by evaporation of any rainfall that collects on the leaves and soil.
- Trees can keep an area more than ten degrees cooler than concrete.
- Without trees and other vegetation, the day’s heat stored in the concrete and roads makes urban centres much hotter, both during the day and at night.
- Rain that falls on buildings, concrete and roads can’t soak into the ground. This storm water can be redirected to water trees and plants.
Download the water for wellbeing information pack
Water for wellbeing is part of our 'Building community water literacy' project
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