
Water Sensitive Cities Australia is continuing the mission of the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC).

Office Address

Water Sensitive Cities Australia
Monash University
8 Scenic Blvd
Clayton VIC 3168

For all enquiries please contact

Office Manager

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    Nature-based solutions (Nbs) for climate resilient communities, environments and economies in the Greater Mekong region.

    Cities in the Mekong region are growing rapidly. By 2030, more than 40% of the region’s population is expected to live in urban areas.

    How Mekong region cities manage their growth will determine the future health, wealth and wellbeing of communities and environments in the region. At the same time, climate change is increasing the pressures they face.

    Towards more robust and resilient integrated water management investments
    Our rapidly growing cities create economic opportunities but also strain our environments, infrastructure and investment reserves. Increasingly, communities also expect healthy, liveable urban environments.

    Growing NatureLinks:
    Kings Park to Bold Park

    NatureLinks are nature-friendly pathways joining 2 (or more) natural areas. They provide the least risk to species moving across the urban landscape.