Sharing ideas on improving climate resilience in the Mekong region

Mekong Environmental Resilience week (13–15 September 2023) brought together researchers, development partners and policy makers to share knowledge and perspectives, and explore ways to collaborate on critical water, energy and climate issues in the Mekong Region.

Getting on the ground at RUCaS case study sites – Viet Nam, Lao PDR and Cambodia

Following on from our successful mission to Bangkok, Thailand in May, RUCaS team members visited Viet Nam, Lao PDR and Cambodia in June. Like Bangkok, the focus was getting a deeper understanding of context and stakeholders by visiting case study sites, to better understand the opportunities, the challenges and most importantly, the vision of the people on the ground.

Green and Resilient Urban Futures Design Competition – Hanoi University of Civil Engineering

RUCaS will join the Hanoi University of Civil Engineering – Faculty of Architecture (HUCE FAP) and ICEM teams in a collaboration to bring nature-based solutions into their city campus. Under the Green Cities project supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), ICEM is leading a design competition for HUCE students to revision and rehabilitate an abandoned site on campus.

Case study visit in Thailand

Our international and national team members were on site at On Nut, the site of our firs case study. Our vision is to work with Thai colleagues to transform an urban landfill site into a multifunctional forest and wetland park that provides recreational and environmental benefits.