The AILA Award of Excellence for Kunshan Demonstration Park recognises the project’s innovative approach to integrating urban water management and public access.
Asian Development Bank support for integrated water management in Jiaxiang County (China)
A strategy to improve urban water management in Jiaxiang County is a step closer to becoming reality.
We’re helping create climate resilient urban centres in Thailand and Cambodia
WSCA has been on the ground in Thailand and Cambodia, working with local experts on ways to create climate resilient urban centres.
Accredited practitioners who can help cities achieve their water sensitive vision
Need help achieving your city’s water sensitive vision? One of our newly accredited practitioners can help.
Knowledge Exchange in Thailand
Representatives from academia, government, universities, local community coalitions and international agencies, including UN agencies, came together in Bangkok to discuss Thai and international experiences of and opportunities for nature-based solutions and climate resilience.
Knowledge Exchange in Cambodia
Our first Cambodia Knowledge Exchange was co-hosted by DFAT and WSCA, with opening remarks from Faith Considine (DFAT) and Ben Furmage (WSCA).
CRCWSC economic evaluation framework nominated for a 2022 Eureka Award
This comprehensive economic evaluation framework was one of 3 finalists for the NSW Environment and Heritage Prize for Applied Environmental Research.
Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Read about the recent Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, held in Brisbane.
Growing a national community of water sensitive cities practice
We’re realising our ambition of creating a national community of WSC practice.
Urban WaterGuide – Building sustainable and resilient cities
The Australian Water Partnership launched a new international guide on integrated water management, developed by the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities.