There are practical ways people can keep the outdoor areas around their homes cool through summer.
Benchmarking urban water performance in north east Victoria
Water sensitive cities principles can be applied in any context. We just did it in north east Victoria.
How do we pay for resilience and liveability?
The Water Services Association of Australia and Water Sensitive Cities Australia are exploring options for funding and financing resilient and sustainable water infrastructure.
Creating a circular economy for sustainable water management that benefits all
Professor Tony Wong recently chaired a UN event on Sustainable Water Management for All.
Indonesian delegation visit to Monash University
MSDI hosted a delegation of Indonesian Government officials in September, led by His Excellency Mr Suharso Monoarfa (Indonesian Minister of National Development Planning and Head of the National Development Planning Agency).
Sharing ideas on improving climate resilience in the Mekong region
Mekong Environmental Resilience week (13–15 September 2023) brought together researchers, development partners and policy makers to share knowledge and perspectives, and explore ways to collaborate on critical water, energy and climate issues in the Mekong Region.
Getting on the ground at RUCaS case study sites – Bangkok, Thailand
Our international and national team members were on the ground at On Nut in Bangkok in May, to better understand the site and the groups with a stake in transforming it into a multifunctional green space.
Getting on the ground at RUCaS case study sites – Viet Nam, Lao PDR and Cambodia
Following on from our successful mission to Bangkok, Thailand in May, RUCaS team members visited Viet Nam, Lao PDR and Cambodia in June. Like Bangkok, the focus was getting a deeper understanding of context and stakeholders by visiting case study sites, to better understand the opportunities, the challenges and most importantly, the vision of the people on the ground.
Using mainstream media to spread important water sensitive messages
Using mainstream media to spread important water sensitive messages
SIMPaCT project wins 2 trophies at the 2023 IoT Awards
The CRCWSC’s Scenario Tool is an integral part of the SIMPaCT project, highlighting the valuable role smart water technologies play in creating climate-resilient urban centres