Recognising WA Legends of Water

September 18, 2024
Congratulations to long-time champions of the Water Sensitive Cities mission – Susan Worley and Josh Byrne – who were honoured recently as WA Legends of Water by the WA branch of the Australian Water Association.
Left: Susan Worley, middle: Peter Moore, right: Josh Bryne

Both still play a key role in delivering the Water Sensitive Cities mission. This well-deserved accolade recognises their efforts to advance sustainable water management practices and lay the foundations for future water sector leaders in Western Australia and beyond.

Susan has been guiding water resources management in WA since 1995, with leadership roles in planning, regional delivery and community education including planning for water allocation, water source protection, urban water and non-potable water supply. She is currently a member of the Water Sensitive Cities Australia Advisory Board, providing guidance and advice on initiatives to make water sensitive cities principles and practices mainstream around the country. She is also a member of WA’s Water Sensitive Transition Network, Watertrust Australia influence advisory group, the Peter Cullen Trust, Water Corporation Steering Committee and the AWA.

Josh is an environmental scientist and urban design professional with expertise in high performance housing, water sensitive design and sustainable urban development. He is recognised as one of Australia’s leading sustainability communicators, and is a respected voice to state government, is a board member of the Waste Authority of WA, the Botanic Parks and Gardens Authority and sits on the WA State Government Design Review Panel. He is also the Dean of Sustainable Futures at Curtin University as well as regular presenter on the Gardening Australia program. He and his company, Josh Bryne and Associates have been involved in developing and delivering several projects for WSCA and before that the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities. Examples include: