Professor Tony Wong had a busy week in Copenhagen. Read all about it here.
Creating resilient urban centres and surrounds in the Mekong region
Water Sensitive Cities Australia is doing more work in Mekong countries to integrate nature-based solutions with conventional water infrastructure.
Reflecting on Water and Sanitation Infrastructure toolkit
We know social inclusion is critical for designing water infrastructure in informal settings. A new toolkit by the RISE team helps practitioners put gender and social inclusion principles into practice.
City of Kunshan is a Sponge City demonstration site
We congratulate the City of Kunshan in China, which was recently selected as a National Sponge City demonstration site.
Water Sensitive Cities Australia – Our first 12 months
Read about how we’ve been working to make water sensitive city practice business as usual in every city, every day.
New journal publication: Valuing the benefits of a multifunctional water sensitive greenspace
Fishermans Bend in Melbourne will be Australia’s largest water sensitive urban design project…
Water sensitive practice. Every city. Every day
Water Sensitive Cities Australia’s mission is to change the way cities are designed, built and managed by valuing water’s contribution…
Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy
Fishermans Bend in Melbourne will be Australia’s largest water sensitive urban design project…
Towards more robust and resilient integrated water management investments
Our rapidly growing cities create economic opportunities but also strain our environments…
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilient Urban Development Regional Conference
Representatives from academia, government, universities, local community coalitions and international agencies, including UN agencies, came together in Bangkok to discuss Thai and international experiences of and opportunities for nature-based solutions and climate resilience.